Established in 1880, we are one of the few hat factories in Japan, focusmg on natural straw hats.
We are on our sixth generation, Yu Tanaka.
The factory is located in Kasukabe City in the eastern part of Saitama Prefecture. Kasukabe City, with the large Furutone River, has been the center of rice and wheat production since the old times.
We used to produce and export "straw plaits" which are the material for making straw hats when the business was new. Straw plaits are made by hand-braiding seven strands wheat stem.
Around 1897, sewing machines for hats were imported to Japan from Germany, and we began a full-fledge production of hats using sewing machines.
At the time, Kasukabe City was home to many companies involved in making straw hats, so the hats were later approved as the "traditional craft" of the city.
Different from the method of pressing the sheet-like materials to mold a hat, straw hats require more time and steps. We first sew the materials into the shape of a hat on the sewing machine, then press to mold.
The craftsmen sew a single straw plait, layering them in circles into the shape of a hat. The shape is unique and beautiful, and the layers create the stretch which makes the hats comfortable. The straw hats also breathes very well due to its natural material and keep you cool.
Straw hats have been the favorite of farmers and kindergarten and nursery children for a long time. We continue to make traditional straw hats using the same techniques from before.
Our hats are now attracting attention not just for practical use but also as a fashion tool.
We soak straw plaits in water to soften and sew them with a sewing machine for hats. We start from the "whirlpool" which is the "center point" of the hat and sew in circle layers. We sew carefully, using a wooden mold to check the size of the hat every once in a while. The process becomes harder as materials get smaller. It takes master craftsmen to make a beautiful shape. Skillfully sewn hats not only look beautiful but also are comfortable to wear.
We sew straw hats in the fall and winter for the coming spring. Since we soak the materials in water to soften before sewing, we have to dry them in the sun after we are done sewing. Because we often dry them during the cold and dry winter, the drying process is called "kanboshi", meaning drying in winter and the sight of straw hats lined up in rows on the ground has become a "seasonal tradition" in Kasukabe City.
We use a special mold equipment and use water pressure to press and shape the hats. Some design requires that we use a different wooden form for the crown and brim and steam each by hand. Having various molds makes it possible for us to pair them in all sorts of ways to make various design.
Once we are done molding, we add sweatbands, ribbons, and other decorations. They are all done by hand, and even the ribbons, which are added as an accent, are also hand-sewn by the craftsmen.
We remove small splits in the straws during the finishing process. The straws peel on the surface or its knobs stick out when braided. The hat becomes itchy and uncomfortable if you wear it without the finishing process. We cut off the splits by touching the surface of the hats with our hands, all for the people who will be wearing our hats. That is how craftsmen show their thoughtfulness to their customers.
工場は、埼玉県の東部に位置する春日部市にあります。古利根川という大きな川が流れる春日部市は、昔から米や麦の生産地で栄えた地域です。創業当時は、麦わら帽子の材料である、「麦わら真田」を作って海外に輸出していました。 麦わら真田は、7本の麦の茎を手で編み、真田ひも状にしたものです。明治30年頃、ドイツから日本に帽子用のミシンが輸入され、ミシンを使った本格的な生産を開始しました。当時 春日部市には多くの麦わら帽子に関わる会社が存在し、後に春日部市の「伝統工芸品」に認められました。
麦わら帽子は、シート状の材料をプレスして成型する方法と違い、材料をミシンに取り付け、帽子の形に縫製したのち、プレスして成型する手間の掛かる仕事です。職人は、1本の麦わら真田を円状に重ねながら帽子の形に縫製していきます。その造形美は独特で美しく、また重なった部分に伸縮性が生まれることでかぶり心地が抜群です。また、麦わら帽子は天然素材の通気性により、涼しく感じます。麦わら帽子は長い問、多くの農家や幼稚園や保育園の子供たちに愛用されてきました。今もなお、昔と変わらぬ製法で、伝統的な麦わら帽子を作り続けています。 最近では、実用品としてだけでなく、ファッションアイテムとしても注目されています。
Established in 1880, we are one of the few hat factories in Japan, focusmg on natural straw hats.
We are on our sixth generation, Yu Tanaka.
The factory is located in Kasukabe City in the eastern part of Saitama Prefecture. Kasukabe City, with the large Furutone River, has been the center of rice and wheat production since the old times.
We used to produce and export "straw plaits" which are the material for making straw hats when the business was new. Straw plaits are made by hand-braiding seven strands wheat stem.
Around 1897, sewing machines for hats were imported to Japan from Germany, and we began a full-fledge production of hats using sewing machines.
At the time, Kasukabe City was home to many companies involved in making straw hats, so the hats were later approved as the "traditional craft" of the city.
Different from the method of pressing the sheet-like materials to mold a hat, straw hats require more time and steps. We first sew the materials into the shape of a hat on the sewing machine, then press to mold.
The craftsmen sew a single straw plait, layering them in circles into the shape of a hat. The shape is unique and beautiful, and the layers create the stretch which makes the hats comfortable. The straw hats also breathes very well due to its natural material and keep you cool.
Straw hats have been the favorite of farmers and kindergarten and nursery children for a long time. We continue to make traditional straw hats using the same techniques from before.
Our hats are now attracting attention not just for practical use but also as a fashion tool.
水に浸し柔らかくした麦わら真田を製帽用のミシンで縫製します。「渦」と呼ばれる帽子の「つむじ」の部分から縫い始め、円状に重ねて縫製していきます。時折、帽子の木型で大きさを確認しながら慎重に縫い進めます。材料 細ければ細いほど縫製が難しくなり、熟練した職人でなければ美しい形を作ることができません。熟練の高い技術で縫われた帽子は見た目の美しさだけでなく、かぶり心地も抜群です。
We soak straw plaits in water to soften and sew them with a sewing machine for hats. We start from the "whirlpool" which is the "center point" of the hat and sew in circle layers. We sew carefully, using a wooden mold to check the size of the hat every once in a while. The process becomes harder as materials get smaller. It takes master craftsmen to make a beautiful shape. Skillfully sewn hats not only look beautiful but also are comfortable to wear.
We sew straw hats in the fall and winter for the coming spring. Since we soak the materials in water to soften before sewing, we have to dry them in the sun after we are done sewing. Because we often dry them during the cold and dry winter, the drying process is called "kanboshi", meaning drying in winter and the sight of straw hats lined up in rows on the ground has become a "seasonal tradition" in Kasukabe City.
We use a special mold equipment and use water pressure to press and shape the hats. Some design requires that we use a different wooden form for the crown and brim and steam each by hand. Having various molds makes it possible for us to pair them in all sorts of ways to make various design.
Once we are done molding, we add sweatbands, ribbons, and other decorations. They are all done by hand, and even the ribbons, which are added as an accent, are also hand-sewn by the craftsmen.
We remove small splits in the straws during the finishing process. The straws peel on the surface or its knobs stick out when braided. The hat becomes itchy and uncomfortable if you wear it without the finishing process. We cut off the splits by touching the surface of the hats with our hands, all for the people who will be wearing our hats. That is how craftsmen show their thoughtfulness to their customers.